
Dissidia 020: Part 1

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Dissidia 020 [Viginti] Simpsons Fantasy: Confessions of the Creator

The Goddess of Harmony, Cosmos.
The God of Discord, Chaos.

Maggie Simpson, a young girl at the tender age of eight, who wields a sword and was tasked alongside nine other warriors to fight for the side of harmony under the Goddess Cosmos, and obtain a crystal, after many enduring battles she was eventually able to obtain that which she sought, the crystal.

She awakens to find herself alone in a deserted world, nothing but ruination. As she explores, the ruined towns, she is approached by a small white furry creature with a huge red nose, and pom-pom.

"Waa! A Manikin!" it screams. "I-I-I-I'm not a bad Moogle, I swear!"
"What?" Maggie asks.
"So don't hurt---" It stops to look at Maggie "Wait, you're not a manikin."
"Of course not, I'm a---"
"You're the original of a manikin, the real thing"
"What's so surprising about being human?" questions Maggie curiously.
"You took me by surprise because I'm so used to seeing the manikins" answers the Moogle. "So it might take a little more time before I get used to you. No offence"
"None taken." states Maggie before leaving.

As Maggie wanders around the small empty world, she stumbles across a very familiar face just outside of Corneria, a young girl, wearing an orange strapless dress, and white pearl necklace, she happens to be wielding her trusty sword in hand, ready for battle. Maggie approaches her.

"Lisa!" Maggie shouts.
"...Maggie?" responds the girl. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing" Maggie retorts.
"Me? I don't know. I just suddenly woke up here, I don't remember much of any thing" responds Lisa.
"The same here. I guess we have some unfinished business with Chaos?" Maggie questions.
"I guess so. Why don't we team up and see if we can find any other Warriors of Cosmos." suggests Lisa.
"Good idea, lets party up, and search the area."

Lisa and Maggie walk around the world fighting Manikins, which are crystalline versions of themselves, and their former allies in harmony, and their enemies in discord.

"Sheesh" says Maggie catching her breath, "What is with these Manikins. I don't ever remember them being this powerful"
"Which cycle of war is this anyway, I've lost count!" responds Lisa.
"I guess we can only head to the Sanctuary, and ask Cosmos herself" suggests Maggie.
"Good idea, lets go."

Lisa and Maggie make their travels through the snowy plains, near Mount Gulg until they come across another of their former comrades, a young boy, with short spiky hair, he happens to be holding a slingshot in the back pocket of his shorts.

"Bart!" Lisa shouts at him.

The boy turns around and notices that Lisa and Maggie are behind him.

"Lisa? Maggie?" he questions. "What are you doing here?"
"We don't know." Answers Maggie, "we were on our way to the Sanctuary to ask Cosmos.
"Want to come with?" asks Lisa
"Sure, maybe with you two in my party, I'll have a better chance at this damn manikins. When did they get so strong anyway?" asks Bart.
"Another thing we want to ask Cosmos about." replies Maggie.
"Alright. Lets go." states Lisa.

Further down the road, they find two more of their former allies. Both are young girls, one who has short blue hair, and a short orange coloured sword, the other has long brown hair and appears to be somewhat chubby carrying a rifle.

"Maggie! Lisa! Bart! Are we glad to see you!" asks the girl with blue hair.
"Lucy? Fran? What are you doing here?" asks Lisa
"I'm getting tired of asking that. But it is a valid question" says Maggie.
"I wish we knew. All I've seen so far are manikins and Moogles." says the girl with brown hair
"Well, we're headed to the Sanctuary, trying to get some answers from Cosmos." says Maggie.
"Alright, we'll come as well. It'll be safer that way." says the girl with Blue hair.
"Good idea Lucy. Thanks." says Lisa.
"We better not be here for more crystals!" comments Bart.

The five head off in the area that's in the vicinity of the Sanctuary, a Moogle approaches them.

"So, you're the real manikins... Where did you come from, kupo?" asks the Moogle.
"Well, I guess you could say we're from this world" replies Lisa
"We all fought a huge battle between the gods here" says Maggie
"Y'know, between Chaos and Cosmos" states Fran.
"War of the Gods? Chaos and Cosmos? I don't know either of them, kupo." says the Moogle.
"Huh?" says Lucy.
"The only god I know is the Mured Moogle, enshrined in the Cavern of Earth."
"Have you ever seen this Mured Moogle?" asks Bart.
"No... but he wouldn't force us into battle." says the Moogle. "I love the world as it is. Please don't do anything to ruin it kupo..."

Confused the party leaves the Moogle to his business.

"He likes the idea of this world being in ruins?" asks Maggie.
"Well, I sure don't" states Fran "We should fix things..."
"Again?" asks Lucy.
"It is the right thing to do" comments Lisa
"Yeah, man. But I wonder what happened to Cosmos." states Bart.
"I think..." says Maggie "I think that we should go see if we can find this Mured Moogle."
"Good idea... But..." Says Lisa "Where is the Cavern of Earth?"
"From what I remember, it should be near Melmond" says Lucy.
"Alright, lets go." replies Maggie. "I'll take point"

Maggie leads the party through the ruined world, passing Moogles and fighting Manikins of their former enemies in discord.

"This looks to be the gate we need to get to this Mured Moogle" says Maggie.
"Lets go already!" comments Bart as he walks in.
"Bart, wait! It could be dangerous in there!" says Lisa.
"But we wont get anywhere standing out here, Lisa" says Lucy, "we have to go in."

The group enter the dungeon as a voice speaks out to them.

"I-Is anyone there kupo?" asks the voice.
"It's a Moogle!" comments Lucy.
"Who are you?" asks Maggie.
"I-I'm the Mured Moogle," replies the Moogle's voice "or so they say."
"The Mured Moogle?" asks Lisa.
"That's right, Kupo" answers the Mured Moogle. "are you here to save me?"
"Yeah man," answers Bart "so stay where you are. We're coming to find you."

Eventually, after making their way down five floors of the dungeon, fighting off many manikins, they find a Moogle sitting in the throne that once belonged to Cosmos at Order's Sanctuary.

"Are you the Mured Moogle?" asks Fran.
"I'm afraid not... I am just another moogle that likes to go on adventures, kupo." replies the moogle.
"Nuts" replies Bart.
"Well, back to the starting point I guess" says Lucy.
"Actually," interrupts the Moogle "I think he's trapped somewhere deeper inside, Kupo"
"That's strangely convenient" remarks Fran.
"Alright! Lets go" says Maggie.
Part 1 of my fan fic based around Dissidia Final Fantasy.

Titled Dissidia 020: Confessions of the Creator

As I've said before, this is based on the hardest mode in Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy. "Viginti" is Latin for Twenty, as "Duodecim" is Latin for twelve.

If you want to be true to the game then listen to the Main Theme for Final Fantasy as you read: [link]

For reference The Mured Moogle is Cid of the Lufaine and it is set in the same world as Duodecim, which is inturn based on the world of the original Final Fantasy game so the locations come from that game.
© 2011 - 2024 Gazmanafc
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